California Health Maps

Featured Work

California Health Maps

Interactive mapping tool of health data for geographies beyond the county level in California. Users can map cancer incidence for 12 of the most common invasive cancer sites and filter by sex and race/ethnicity. Read more here.


UCSF Health Atlas

Population health mapping website that visualizes COVID-19 data and other publicly available data to better understand social determinants of health in California. Read more here

New Projects

Neighborhood and allostatic load among breast cancer survivors

FANS: Female Asian Never Smoker Study

Ovarian cancer survival disparities

Yang socioeconomic status index

This multi-component area-based socioeconomic status (SES) index uses detailed demographic, social, economic, and housing data collected through the American Community Survey (ACS).  

“Stars” Study

The survey tool standardizes survey questions for breast cancer research and has been translated into Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, and Vietnamese, reviewed by a wide range of experts, and tested among breast cancer patients and survivors, making it applicable to gathering data for research within many different populations.

ENCLAVE Study Measures

Multidimensional ethnic enclave measures at the census tract level for Asian American and Hispanic/Latino communities.